If you’re like us, you’ve been dreaming about robots since you were a kid. In all the sci-fi movies, the robots (the good ones, anyway) made life easier for people. They did the work we didn’t want to do. Not only that—they worked harder, moved faster, and completed tasks with incredible speed and precision.
Today, the manufacturing industry is waking up to a world where those robot dreams have come true. Robots are a key part of Industry 4.0, a movement that’s transforming factories with powerful new technologies. All over the world, manufacturers are using robots for everything from painting and coating to inspection and more, making their factories faster, safer and more efficient. Those who use robots are getting ahead; those who don’t will soon be left behind.
But here’s the catch: Before you can use robots to their full potential, you need a factory that’s “robot-ready”. That’s where smart conveyors come in. Designed to integrate robotics into your production line, a smart conveyor can help your factory take advantage of today’s cutting-edge technologies—and be ready for tomorrow.
Here are some of the benefits you can unlock when you invest in a robot-ready smart conveyor.
Automate Tasks
At Richards-Wilcox Conveyor, we’ve seen our customers use robots for a wide range of applications: painting, coating and quality assurance, to name a few. Every day, new robots are being engineered to automate more tasks. As the technology improves, it seems there’s no limit on what can be automated.
The biggest benefit of automating these tasks is that robots can accomplish them in less time, often with greater precision and fewer errors. Automating tasks can also help with workforce issues. As employers struggle to find talent, many are turning to robots to fill gaps.
Improve Safety
One of the best ways you can ensure an employee’s safety is by removing them from a hazardous environment. Managers can use robotics to perform dangerous or physically demanding tasks, as well as to enter environments that would be high-risk for humans. With automation, humans can perform safe, less-physically demanding tasks, and leave the rest to the robots.
Adapt to Changing Production Demands
For today’s manufacturers, one of the biggest challenges is constantly shifting production demand. When demand is low, keeping a factory running at top speed means wasting time and energy. At the same time, your factory needs to be ready to quickly ramp up.
The beauty of a smart conveyor is that it’s as flexible as you need it to be. With robotics integrated at key points, your entire line is connected, allowing you to quickly ramp up or ramp down production as needed.
Be More Flexible and Responsive
Robotics can give you precise data about your cycle time, allowing you to analyze your productivity and plan your output on a daily, monthly and annual basis. Planning has always been a big part of running a factory. But now, with richer data and greater control, you can plan with more rigor—and adjust as needed.
Reduce Downtime
A smart conveyor is the ultimate tool for reducing downtime. Factory robots have numerous sensors, continuously analyzing their performance and functionality. With robots and sensors installed along your line, your smart conveyor acts as a central nervous system, sending your team signals when components need repaired, replaced or upgraded.
Unlike traditional conveyors, a smart conveyor takes a proactive approach to maintenance, so you can fix minor issues before they become major problems.
And when things do break down, robots can help. At Richards-Wilcox, we design our smart conveyors with bypass modes. When something goes wrong, you can quickly divert a carrier elsewhere while the component is being restored.
Be More Efficient and Sustainable
Robots can use materials and energy with greater precision, creating a more efficient factory and helping your business achieve its sustainability goals.
Let’s say that your factory is painting car doors. With a robotic painting system integrated into your line, you can paint with a precision that a human could not achieve. That means you can paint the same number of car doors with less paint. You can also boost your speed and productivity, allowing you to use less energy per car door. That’s good for the environment and your bottom line.
Ready to Get Started? Connect with a Conveyor Expert Today.
Adaptation has always been at the core of manufacturing. But today, there seem to be more disruptions in a week than there once were in a year, and things are only speeding up.
The best way to prepare for change is by designing for it. At Richards-Wilcox Conveyor, we design, engineer, install and maintain smart conveyors. Our conveyors are “robot-ready”, meaning that they’re designed to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge robotics systems. With Richards-Wilcox, you’re not just ready for change. You’re engineered for it.
Contact us today to see how our smart conveyor solutions can help your business.