Many manufacturing and storage facilities are pressed for space, leaving smart plant managers struggling to find ways to optimize their facilities to increase efficiency and save room. Power and free conveyor systems can often provide substantial space savings, helping companies to avoid having to find larger facilities or reduce efficiency by squeezing important processes into their available space.
Richard-Wilcox Conveyor Systems offer a number of power and free conveyor systems to clients in order to help them improve productivity and efficiency in their facilities. Companies considering a conveyor system should study the advantages these systems offer and find the system that best suits their needs.
Power and Free Conveyor Systems Explained
Power and free conveyor systems are built on a two-track system. These conveyors, also referred to as asynchronous conveyor systems, allow loads hanging beneath each track to move at differing paces. Users can program the machine operating the conveyor to have loads start or stop independently of one another. Users can also have loads switch tracks if necessary.
Power and free conveyors are called “power and free” because one track is operated by a powered track while the other track has free trolleys running on the lower track.
Power and Free Conveyor Systems Explained
Power and free conveyor systems are built on a two-track system. These conveyors, also referred to as a synchronous conveyor systems, allow loads hanging beneath each track to move at differing paces. Users can program the machine operating the conveyor to have loads start or stop independently of one another. Users can also have loads switch tracks if necessary.
Power and free conveyors are called “power and free” because one track is operated by a powered track while the other track has free trolleys running on the lower track.
Advantages of Power and Free Conveyors
Power and free conveyors have a wide variety of applications in:
- Manufacturing facilities
- Distribution centers
- Shipping centers
- Assembly line operations
- and Paint shops, among others.
Power and free conveyors have the advantage of:
- Compact design
- Easy installation
- Centralized control
- Modular design
- and High availability of parts